Journal of the Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA)
(ISSN: 1391-7358, E-ISSN: 2550-2883)
Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics: Detailed Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts based on work unpublished earlier elsewhere should be submitted. Manuscripts should be prepared following the guidelines. Manuscripts that are currently under consideration for publication in other journals should not be submitted to this journal. Potential authors are requested to follow manuscript preparation guidelines to facilitate smooth work-flow at the editorial office.
Guidelines for Authors
I) Manuscript preparation
Manuscripts based on work unpublished earlier elsewhere should be submitted. Manuscripts that are currently under consideration for publication in other journals should not be submitted to this journal. Articles should be written in English (The journal follows American style spelling and style). Authors are strongly advised to have their manuscripts checked carefully for spelling, grammar and usage before submission.
II) Manuscript submission
All manuscripts for consideration for publication of the journal should be submitted via online submission platform managed by SLJOL.
Access the [start submission] button on top right hand side corner of SJAE page at SLJOnline [ ] Authors are expected to register at SLJOL and as per the INASP policy, ORCID (Online Researcher Community ID) is mandatory for at least the corresponding author. For registering with follow this link [ORCID]
III) Formatting of manuscripts
a) Text should be Arial 11 point font, double spaced, single column, with one-inch margins on all sides. Papers should be 5,000 – 9,000 words in length. Lengthy manuscripts will be returned to authors as desk-rejects.
b) Authors are advised to limit the number and the size of tables to the essential details. Figures and tables should be numbered separately and consecutively. Each should carry a self-explanatory brief title. Table/Figure numbers should follow the same order as they are first referred to in the main text. Use only horizontal lines in tables. Each table and figure should be placed in a separate page. Original submission should include tables and figures at the end of the text.
c) Equations should be composed using an equation editor. Each equation should be presented in a separate line and should be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text.
d) Authors are advised to use footnotes sparingly and to include explanations in the main text whenever possible.
e) All previous work should be cited in the text using authors’ last name and year of publication. In-text reference to publications with two authors should follow author 1 and Author 2, year of publication format. while work of more than two authors should follow author 1, year of publication format. A complete list of all sources cited, presented in alphabetical order of first authors’ last name should be included at the end of the main text. Work of more than two authors should be refereed in the end of text references using; Author 01, ............., Author n, year of publication foprmat.
Please carefully check your manuscript to ensure correctness of details of citations and references. All citations should be listed in the reference list and all references listed should be cited in the text.
IV) Reference list style
Following examples are intended to provide guidelines for listing references. Please refer a recent article published in the Journal to be familiar with the style. For citations not mentioned here, authors are advised to follow Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition.
a) Books Authors’ last names, initials, year, book title, city and name of the publisher and place of publication. Example: Just, R.J., Hueth, D.L., Schmitz, A. 2004. The Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Guide to Policy and Project Evaluation. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar.
b) Journal articles Authors’ last names, initials, year, article title, journal title, volume number, issue number, and page numbers. Examples:
b-i) Ekanayake E.R.M., Abeygunwardena, P. 1994. Valuation of Conservation Commodity of the Sinhharaja Forest: Towards Total Economic Value. Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics 2(1):1-16.
b-ii) Kikuchi, M., Hayami, Y. 1978. Agricultural growth against a land resource constraint: A comparative history of Japan, Taiwan, Korea and the Philippines. Journal of Economic History. 38(4), 839-864.
c) Book chapters Authors’ last names, initials, year, chapter title, editor’s name, book title, city and name of the publisher, and page numbers of the chapter. Examples:
Antle, J.M., Capalbo, S.M. 1995. “Measurement and Evaluation of the Impacts of Agricultural Chemical Use: A Framework for Analysis.” In P.L. Pingali and P.A. Roger, eds., Impacts of Pesticides on Farmer Health and the Rice Ecosystem. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 23-57.
d) Conference papers, Authors’ last names, initials, year, paper title, conference name, city, and dates and place of the conference.
d-i) Not Published
Weerawardhane, N. 2001. Irrigation and Inland Fisheries in Sri Lanka: Mutually coexisting Systems for Food Security and Livelihood Options for Local People. Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Sri Lanka Studies, 7th-10th October 2001, Jaipur, India.
d-ii) Published in edited proceedings
Sivarajah, P,. Ahamad, A. N. 2010. Economic valuation of irrigation water under a major irrigation scheme (Gal Oya) in eastern Sri Lanka. In. Proceedings of National Conference of Water, Food Security and Climate Change in Sri Lanka. Vol. 3. Jinapala, K., Silva, S.D., Aheeyar, M.N.M. Ed. Colombo: International Water Management Institute. Pp 80-94.
e) Working or discussion papers Authors’ last names, initials, year, paper title, type of publication, paper number, name of organization, and city of publication.
Weerahewa, J. 2004. Impacts of Trade Liberalization and Market Reforms on the Paddy/Rice Sector in Sri Lanka. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper, No. 70 (2004). pp. 1-118, Washington DC, USA.
f) Mimeographed papers
Chandrasiri, J. K. M. D. 1986. Socioeconomic conditions of inland fisherman in Sri Lanka. Reserach Study No 73. (Mimeographed). Colombo: Agrarian Research and Training Institute.
g) Unpublished theses/dissertations
Author’s last name, initials, year, thesis/dissertation title, type of thesis/dissertation, the name of
the university, and the city.
Wijayaratne C.M. 1986. Assessing irrigation system performance: A methodological study with
application to GalOya Scheme; Sri Lanka. Ph.D diss. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
h) Organizational Publications: Publications by an organization, without specifically mentioned authors
Name of the organization, year, publication title, and city
h-i) International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2002. World Irrigation and Water Statistics
(with a Guide to Data Sources). Colombo.
h-ii) Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics. 2011. Statistical Abstract of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka-2010. Colombo.
i) Online publications/databases
Authors’ names, and/or organizations, complete website address, accessed date.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2012. FAOSTAT Online Database. Accessed Dec 5, 2012.
Version on: 25/01/2020
Guidelines Prepared by:
Parakrama Weligamage (ORCID:0000-0002-1552-7783)
University of Peradeniya