15th Annual Research Forum (ARF) Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association
15th Annual Research Forum (ARF)
Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association
Theme: Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery in Sri Lanka
Date: 29th April 2022
Venue: Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka (Hybrid Event)
Guidelines for Submission
Authors may submit an abstract of 300-350 words together with an extended abstract of 800-1000 words (two documents). Extended abstract will be used for the selection purpose and the abstract will be published online in ARF abstract booklet.
- a) Abstract should be in 300 – 350 word limit
- b) Paper size and Orientation: A4 (210 x 297 mm), Portrait
- c) Margins: 25 mm, all margins
- d) Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, double spacing.
- e) Key words: Five (05) keywords that are not in the title, arranged in alphabetical order f) File format: MS word, Name the attachment; ”YourLastName_Abstract.docx” . g) Submission: email: saeassociation@gmail.com
Subject line: “Submission to 14th ARF: YourLastName”
Extended abstract
- a) Extended abstract should be in 800 -1000-word limit
- b) Should consist of: Title, introduction with objectives, methodology/methods, findings, conclusions, and few key references in APA format.
- c) Figures, images, and tables can be included if necessary
- d) Font and formatting are similar to the guidelines for the „abstract‟. h) Submission: Name the file: “YourLastName_ExtAbstract.docx”. Should be submitted along with the abstract.
Author information
- a) Name(s) of author(s): Names of authors with initials is required. Corresponding author/principal author has to be marked with an asterisk. Order of author may be any.
- b) Affiliation of author(s): For all authors, address (es) of the affiliated institute(s) and email address of each author are essential. Those should be included with superscripts and just below the authors list.
- c) Author information should be placed in both „abstract‟ and „extended abstract‟ after the title
Important Dates
Abstracts submission: by 20th March 2022
Communication to Authors: by 3rd April 2022
Submission of Final Version: by 12th April 2022
SAEA 15th ARF: 29th April 2022
Contact details:
email: saeassociation@gmail.com
Dr. Sampath Dharmadasa (President/SAEA) – 071 4964876
Dr. Shashika Rathnayaka (Secretary/SAEA) – 070 3884533
For more details, please visit our website https://saea.lk/